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Saturday 12 October 2013

What you should know about Students for Liberty

1) What is SFL’s mission?
SFL’s mission is to provide a unified, student-driven forum of support for students and student organizations dedicated to liberty.

2) What does SFL stand for? What does liberty mean?
Students For Liberty is an organization that supports liberty. SFL does not dictate the foundations upon which individuals justify their belief in liberty. Rather, Students For Liberty embraces the diversity of justifications for liberty and encourages debate and discourse on the differing philosophies that underlie liberty. What Students For Liberty endorses are the principles that comprise liberty:
Economic freedom to choose how to provide for one’s life;
Social freedom to choose how to live one’s life; and
Intellectual and academic freedom.

3) Does SFL support political parties, candidates, or legislation?
No. SFL is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. As such, we do not endorse any political party, political candidates, or legislation.

4) Is SFL a membership-based organization?
No. SFL does not utilize a strict membership model where people sign up for SFL each year. Nor does SFL have chapters or mini-SFL’s on campus that take orders from a national office. Our model is more akin to a coalition. SFL is an external organization that provides tangible support for pro-liberty student organizations.

We work with a diversity of student organizations across the many ideological positions within the philosophy of liberty. These include the campus Students For Liberty, College Libertarians, small “l” libertarian association, economics club, Objectivist society, Austrian Economics reading group, Students for Individual Liberty, and any other name that students dedicated to liberty adopt.Click here for more questions

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