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Saturday 12 October 2013

What you should know about Students for Liberty

1) What is SFL’s mission?
SFL’s mission is to provide a unified, student-driven forum of support for students and student organizations dedicated to liberty.

2) What does SFL stand for? What does liberty mean?
Students For Liberty is an organization that supports liberty. SFL does not dictate the foundations upon which individuals justify their belief in liberty. Rather, Students For Liberty embraces the diversity of justifications for liberty and encourages debate and discourse on the differing philosophies that underlie liberty. What Students For Liberty endorses are the principles that comprise liberty:
Economic freedom to choose how to provide for one’s life;
Social freedom to choose how to live one’s life; and
Intellectual and academic freedom.

3) Does SFL support political parties, candidates, or legislation?
No. SFL is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. As such, we do not endorse any political party, political candidates, or legislation.

4) Is SFL a membership-based organization?
No. SFL does not utilize a strict membership model where people sign up for SFL each year. Nor does SFL have chapters or mini-SFL’s on campus that take orders from a national office. Our model is more akin to a coalition. SFL is an external organization that provides tangible support for pro-liberty student organizations.

We work with a diversity of student organizations across the many ideological positions within the philosophy of liberty. These include the campus Students For Liberty, College Libertarians, small “l” libertarian association, economics club, Objectivist society, Austrian Economics reading group, Students for Individual Liberty, and any other name that students dedicated to liberty adopt.Click here for more questions

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Andropause (Male Menopause)

I must admit, I do feel sorry for males going through their mid-life crisis. Women have easy access to loads of information about “the change”, they ask their doctor about it, they share their experiences with their friends and they are not reluctant to try alternative treatments.
Males, approaching age 45-55 years of age may start to experience andropause, the male climacteric, change of life. Many men do not knowabout it, they think they are “over the hill”, losing it, and that's the way it is. They may not talk about it to their partner, to their doctor or to their friends.
As they age, males may produce less Androgen, hormones, of which testosterone is one. This reduction occurs over a 10 year period and can be diagnosed by a simple blood test. Treatment is simple and if accompaniedby some simple life style changes, is very effective.
Not all males go through andropause; only 30-40% experience a drop in testosterone levels.

Males may complain about any or all of these symptoms:
*. Fatigue, night sweats, depression, irritability and anger.
*. Aching and stiff joints, loss of muscle strength and endurance.
*. Reduced libido, inability to attain or maintain an erection, low sex drive, lack of interest in sex, reduced early morning erections, testicular atrophy, irritable bladder, frequency of urination, Palpitations or irregular heart beat.
*. Osteoporosis, calcium is coming out of their bones leaving the bone weak and vulnerable to breakage. Most common breaks occur in the arms, wrist, ankles, long bones, hips and spine. I have read statistics the 1.5 males have undiagnosed osteoporosis.
Some of the psychological side effects include:
*. Depression, sadness, crying, even contemplating suicide.
*. Stress, anxiety, feeling inadequate as amale and at work.
*. Being very critical, angry, becoming a “grumpy old man”.
*. Forgetful, preoccupied, confused, lowmental energy.
*. Weight gain, reduced muscle mass and strength, endurance.
*. Lethargy, not interested in old friends or favorite pastimes.
Some males become more “androgenous”, gentler, maternal, spiritual, kinder, more loving, more interested in intimacy, sensuality.
Some males go through what is often called the “pink Porsche mentality”. Desperately seeking their lost youth, they have meaningless affairs with a much younger sexy female, they may end their marriages and find a “trophy wife” or become swingers.

*. Share your experiences with your family and close friends.
*. Talk to your doctor, ask for a simple blood test called a bioavailable testosterone level. If indicated, start on testosterone replacement therapy. This could be a body cream, gel, patch, pill or injection.
*. Exercise regularly, foot to ground exercise such as walking, running.
*. Reduce alcohol intake and stop smoking.
*. Eat healthy, reduce fats and sugars.
*. If overweight, lose weight gradually through diet and exercise.
*. Reduce your stress levels